
Utilizing Open Data for optimal results

The Frisian municipalities

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AlleFriezen.nl is a searchable website with collections from the Frisian municipal archives, the Historisch Informatiecentrum Noordoost Fryslân, the Historisch Centrum Leeuwarden and Tresoar. Here you will find information about all persons who were born, married or have died in the region from the 16th century to the early 1960s. The site makes public civil status records - dating from 1811 - and large portions of the municipalities’ population registries digitally available. 

15 million listings

A dive into history with Webkitchen Genealogy 

Explore more than 15 million listings on Webkitchen’s site with a single search query. By using the Webkitchen Genealogy database and our powerful search engine, anyone can take a deep dive into history and search for their Frisian ancestors. 

screenshot allefriezen nl bij case
Province-wide cooperation

Open Data and shared management

The information on AlleFriezen.nl is shared as Open Data. This way we are able to extend the reach and maximize the research potential of this insightful knowledge. Websites like WieWasWie.nl, for example, make great use of this opportunity. AlleFriezen.nl makes it possible for all participating municipalities to contribute information within the context of the Reuse of Public Data Act. The website, and the linked VeleHanden (Heritage Helpers) project, are managed and maintained in similar ways by the participating municipalities - a benchmark example of a successful province-wide collaboration.