
History uncovered by digitizing the herbarium collection of Natural History Museum of Luxembourg

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We have created almost 21,000 botany records for the Musée national d´Histoire naturelle in Luxembourg. This very special herbarium collection can now be accessed digitally from anywhere in the world! The digitization process was multifaceted: herbarium sheets and bound books were captured using both the conveyor belt and the V-shape scanner. Also, there were items that were extremely fragile, and required very delicate handling. The project was completed to the museum's complete satisfaction.

While digitizing the herbarium collection at the Musée national d´Histoire naturelle in Luxembourg, a beautiful work of J. P. J. Koltz was uncovered.

It had been given as a gift in 1884 to King William III, the King of the Netherlands at the time, and then returned in 1992 to the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Attached you will find an image from this exceptional book.

It is extraordinary that such a precious piece of history is now available for anyone to enjoy.